Thursday, May 26, 2005

Self Repair

I haven't been online much lately, and when I have been it has just been quick. I am getting rid of my DSL service to save some money considering it doesn't work too well in the apartment in the first place.
Now for the repairs. I have been trying to fix some of my issues lately in both my environment and myself. I had my sink fixed today. The person who did the repair is new and actually seems like a nice guy who actually wants to get the stuff repaired instead of just wanting to leave. They are doing construction to the front office here so it has been hard to get stuff done through the apartment. The mailboxes are completely blocked off so you can only get in there by going through the office with assistants from people who work there. The repair guy came in and made a comment about how the sink was put together really badly with the wrong parts. He also commented on how they didn't have much in the way of parts around left from the last person who had his job, and how he is going to have to stock up. He is coming by tomorrow to look further into what can be done about the oven before just getting a new one installed.
I have also been slowly cleaning up my environment section by section. I want to have less stuff lying around in the apartment. I want it to get more organized and to trash some of the stuff I don't have a need for anymore like old papers, receipts and other trash. It has been hard because I am kind of a pack rat.
That has been my for myself. I started working-out a little bit along with continuing playing basketball with my friend Andrew a few times a week. I have been having more back and body pain lately and decided to see if I could lessen the pain by getting more exercise. I also decided to start doing some of the things I have been putting off, so I started working on making my own movie and game database. I have been trying to learn new stuff for a while but without an actual use for what I'm learning or a project that uses it the information just doesn't stick and I end up not gaining much from it. I figured with this project I would actually be learning something to use it so the information would actually stick.
Another things I started working on was a little writing project. With my sleeping problems lately because of noise and other things I am dealing with I decide to make that time a little less of a waist by actually doing something semi-productive when I know I can't sleep. It is kind of like writing a script. I read somewhere that when writing you have to think as if everyone you know is dead...You can't worry about who you might offend or what people may think about it. Because of this I never intend to really let anyone read what I am writing. It is more like something for me to work on for myself and not for others.


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