Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Paranoid Humanoid

Getting a decent amount of sleep has been overly impossible this week. I feel like a zombie but without even having the goal of eating brains. The usual has been continuing to give me problems sleeping. I have been going to be so late that I am not that tired earlier in the night. (Though that is changing since I am not just tired all the time) I live right by traffic which is just annoying since people are pealing out and drag racing right by my window at night. Every night this week I have stayed up to read for a little while. Like clockwork as soon as my book shuts, the light goes out, and I am starting my process of dozing off *CLICK!* the old woman’s TV goes on downstairs. In the past she has complained that I am what wakes her up because I am constantly moving furniture...yeah, I am such a loud person and I am sure my closing my book and turning out my light effects her. Before she knew I lived above her she was blaming it on "them Indians." because an Indian couple live next-door to me with a baby daughter who does cry every now and then. Last night I did feel she probably had a reason to wake up though because someone was walking buy on the street yelling how he was going to beat up some people and probably kill one of them. (Not in such kind works.)
Once that TV goes on it is often on till the next time she goes to sleep but the volume tends to vary a bit now. This provides an interesting constant vibration to the apartment throughout the night and day. As morning starts the amount of cars steadily increases and it can sometime take my mind of listening to her TV. These are usual things that keep me awake. The interesting thing about this week has been in the morning which is around the point when I have gotten from 2 -4 semi successful hours of sleep. Often in the morning there are people mowing the lawn or leaf blowers going that can be quite annoying. This week however there has been a Jackhammer (or whatever those big drills that are used to rip up the cement called) right outside my window. Now that is hard to sleep through. It is as if I am the character in an elaborate Sims game and to person playing has gotten board so they are now trying to destroy me. If only these were my only issues.
So, don’t think I mentioned having an interview last week. I put on my suit, went over there and spent most of the time nodding my head has the interviewer was talking. Now and then I would say “yes I am interested” and discuss how I am not as qualified as we would have liked but am a hard and fast learner. With the added time of him answering and talking on the phone during the interview for a while the whole process was from about 5 to 6:30. This was last Tuesday and he said he would probably contact me later that week or at the latest early next week. It is starting to look like, just like with every interview and lead I have taken so far, that I will continue to be ignored. I would normally at the very least expect maybe and email or something saying we are going in a different direction, but everyone who is doing hiring instead seems to choose the notification technique of ignoring the person until they call or get the clue. It is amazing how many people just refused to give bad news if they can avoid it, even if it is the proper thing to do. No one seems willing to give bad news.


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