Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Apartment Hates Me

There is a lot wrong with my apartment and I look forward to some day being able to escape from its evil grasp. Nothing works here. The phone lines are crap so the internet hardly works, everything in the design is old and cheap quality and badly put together. Most everything that came in the apartment is broken or defective in one way or another. I open the window and it just comes off in my hands. Today it got even more fun. The oven has already been broken because the bake part of it didn't work so all I could do is use the top heating element and broil things. Kind of fun with pizza isn't it. Well today I decided to actually make myself a real meal. The day before I bought a few chicken breasts which I would cook with bread crumbs and I had everything needed to make some cheesy potato au Gratin stuff along with peas and bread. It wasn't super fancy in any sense, but it was good for me to do something different. Well in the end I learned my lesson and now know I am not meant to cook. Not because I do a bad job of it at all. I am quite willing to experiment and things turn out to be quite good. It is more the apartment. I prepared the chicken and had that in the oven which was going well, and I start with the potato stuff and got that going. That is when the partially working oven decides to explode and become and not working at all oven. The top element caught fire and started burning like one of those cheap Fourth of July snakes only it was more impressive because as it burned it was shooting sparks everywhere while making popping sounds. I turned it off and ended up trying to salvage everything by making it all on the stove top. I guess now I actually have to go talk to the manger and finally get that replaced. At least this time I should be able to be in the apartment when they come in so they will not go through my stuff like last time. Last time they were in here for something they didn't even try and hide that they looked through my stuff, and no one seemed to care that I wasn't happy with that. I hate how little you can trust some people. I really need to get out of this place. Maybe elsewhere I can regain some faith in humanity.


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