Sunday, January 30, 2005

Surviving My First Week Of Unemployment

I have survived not having a job and no longer being a student for a full week now. I still don't fully comprehend where I am at in life right now. I am starting to consider moving farther away that I was earlier last week. I know, your probably thing, "It's only been a week! What's the big deal?" Well, the way people talk about it and are encouraging my job search makes me feel more pressured and like I am doing something wrong. It's kind of weird because I am starting to realize that some of those people are not meaning to have this effect, but the way I hear what they are saying seems very negative.
This next week is going to be very different than what I am normally used to. I have to deal with a new living arrangement of being alone with my cat, I should be doing more of the webpage, but I still haven't gotten the menu or anything to work with...(though I have been doing some stuff with it without it.), I plan on cleaning up my environment quite a bit over the week, and this may finally be the appearance change week everyone has been waiting for. I am getting tired of the labels I have developed based on my appearance, but I don't think I am ready to listen to all the comments that go along with a changed appearance either. I don't mind being told I look like Jesus too much, but some of the other stuff and constant comments get annoying. I also don't yet know what I should look like. Blah
Super Bowl in a week. I plan on going over to Adam and Lauren's for the game which should be fun. Kings games have also been interesting lately.
Not much to say about the job search this week. Applied to a place in Folsom. I feel like I should have more of an idea of what I am looking for and am able to do before trying to find that job, but I guess that isn't going to happen and I just have to keep chugging along.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


On Monday nights I have a bowling league. It starts 9PM and has 3 games for singles and 3 games for doubles. It's devided into two devisions and has a lot of good bowlers. This is the league that I bowled my 300 in the first night over a year ago.
Last night I was struggling during singles because my finger holes were too loose and I couldn't hold the ball correctly. When things like this happens I keep trying different things to try to figure out a way to fix whats going on and bowl better, but usually I keep somewhat struggling. Well, last night I figured out an odd way to throw a good ball by cramming my fingers further in the ball and keeping my thumb loose. In doubles I ended up bowling a 700 series: 235, 220, 245.
I don't think I have bowled a 700 series since my 734 when I bowled my 300 game. I could only find four other times that I have bowled over 700. That is a total of 6 700's, two of which were in the 730's and one 725.

Guess I just figured I could now keep track of bowling here so...
700 count = at least 6
300's =1 next highest game was a 289 and I have had a number of games in the 270's including a 279. Doesn't seem too bad for a once a week bowler.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

My Senior Project

Here's another thing you may not know about. Above is a picture of my Senior Project. Looks quite odd doesn't it. I was in a team of four people and was chosen to be the group leader both semester since no one else wanted that burden. We ended up deciding to make an autonomous vehicle that can find its way around barriers to a home base. That green thing on the top of the car is my ZARX board...well, it is not mine anymore since one of my group members decided that she got to keep the entire project without anyone else having a say. People are so kind sometimes when they have always seemed to get their way with everything. Well, on that board is a Rabbit 3000 microcontroller, an Altera FPGA, some Basic Stamps, buttons and a bunch of other fun stuff that means nothing to most people. This is what basically controls the whole vehicle, the A.I. if you will. These controllers contain programs that receive signals, determines what to do, sends signals, and basically controls everything else in the project. I am not really going to go into too much detail here. On the top of the post thing on the car is the cars beacon. The other thing next to the car is basically the home base which consists of the other part of the beacon system. These are two infrared systems that continuously switch between sending and receiving IR signals in the four different directions. With this the vehicle can tell which direction the home base is. Surrounding the vehicle you can see the seven infrared object detection sensors. These send a signal telling if their is an object in that direction and how far away it is. This is used to avoid the barriers that may be set up between the vehicle and home base. You may also see a flashlight on the front of the vehicle. That is there to light the area where we have our color sensor. This sensor sends a frequency representing the color it is sensing, which in this case would be the floor color. We used this to determine when the home base is reached. All this and a whole lot of wiring and coding and the project turned out to work quite well. We could set up a room with all sorts of barriers and as long as their was a path to get to the home base it would be able to find its way there. Their were a lot of difficult things that the group overcame to get it all working. Now it is done, we all passed, and I am glad. Not glad about everything with that project and group... but I am glad it's over.

The End Of The World As I Know It: UCCS Edition

I am now Unemployed. Today was my last day working for UCCS at Sac State. I have been working there for years now and it is sad to see it end. I started there as a Lab Assistant in late 2001 and have been a Supervisor for the last few semesters there. In many ways the office there felt more like a home than my apartment does. Above are pics of the Supervisor and Senior Supervisor Desks where I spend a lot of time over the last few years. I took those pics before the LA party this semester when I was just messing around. School starts in two days and it still hasn't sunk in that I will not be going there or back to work in the labs ever again. I feel lost. I don't belong anywhere. I guess it is neat that I will have some free time, which I haven't had much of in years, but I am starting to loose confidence in my ability to be a productive member of something.
Today at work we did the Lab Assistant Training, using a powerpoint presentation that I made. It was sad though because after making someone leave because they didn't do their paper work because of front desk issues, and after another person had issues with the front desk and paper work and couldn't be there, and after another person was out of town and couldn't be there, and after another person we hired was poached for us by the help desk, their were only three people being trained. Their were actually more than two management people for every one trainee. It was kind of a waist... and an odd way to go out and end my employment there. Especially since I was in charge of the hiring and training of these people. Now my key chain is a lot lighter and I have lost my ability to get into all sorts of buildings, labs, and offices on campus. It is all over and now I don't know what to do.
It's not all lost though. It seems I have an interesting opportunity to make a webpage for a sushi place in LA. What better time to do something like this than now when I actually should have some free time. It seems like a good way to be productive and put some effort into something. I have in my mind that I can do a good job and make something cool out of this project that people will like, but in the back of my mind I keep going through all that could go wrong with me doing this. So many "What if"s... I have never been to this place, don't know what it is like or the taste of the people it is for, and I am starting to question my artistic, and programming abilities. Like always, I don't want to let anyone down or do anything that is below expectations, but I have been questioning myself so much lately. It is difficult looking at job after job thinking "I don't think I would be able to do that." or "I am way under qualified for this." I think it is starting to get to me and make me feel more hopeless than usual. Maybe if I can succeed in the webpage thing it may turn my attitude around a bit.

Lunch FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Lunch

It has been an interesting day. Today I got home from work (My last day, but that is for a different post completely) and I made myself lunch. As soon as I take my first bite of food an alarm starts going off right by my door. I put my food down, walk out the door and watching all the people running around trying to figure out what was going on. this annoying noise turns out to be my apartments fire alarm. A lot starts going through my mind at this point, mainly trying to figure out how to get Abby some place safe without access to a pet carrier, and should I try to tell the old woman who lives under me (who had here TV blaring and still does as I type) that something is wrong.
After looking around to make sure Abby and I were not in any direct danger I looked up to see the sky filled with smoke. Part of the complex was actually on fire. Their was a whole lot of smoke so I decided I would walk over and check it out to better determine my course of action...that and hey, their is a fire, and fires are cool. FIRE! FIRE! Turns out one of the maintenance parts of one of the laundry facilities was where it started. By the time I walked over there the whole laundry building was up in flames and it was hot enough that the stairs going up to the closest apartment was on fire, and they are made of stone and metal. The maintenance closet area had a lot of chemicals in there so their were some interesting popping sounds as they burned.
I figured their was not too much danger since the fire would have to go through a lot before reaching my apartment so I stood and watched the action. While watching I ran into someone I use to work with and had in some of my classes who had moved into the complex and we talked for a while. The fire department showed up after a little while, but their were a lot of stupid drivers who stopped their cars in the fire engines way so they could watch the fire. Their ended up being four fire Engines and two or three other fire vehicles. I watched them work for a while and was entertained when they took a chainsaw to the roof of the building, and I talked with a few people including someone who was doing their laundry and lost all their families clothes. After some time I decided to leave the action to finish my lunch and write this in my blog for your enjoyment...or dismay. It is up to you.
Not so long ago some friends of mine (Adam & Lauren) lost their apartment in a fire on Bell St. Luckily they had renters insurance which was able to pay for a lot of what was lost. Now they have a house and are doing quite well. Hurray for apartment fires...unless you don't have insurance like me.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Blah, Don't really have time to write anything even though I have come up with a lot of things to write. Just don't have time yet. Even right now I am currently at work and just breaking the rules and doing this to say: Once again I have gotten no sleep because the old woman who lives under me had her TV on all night and has it on really loud....enough so that I can tell what every commercial is and what many of the people are saying while I am laying in bed. No use going down and banging on the door because she often doesn't hear it, and when she does she says the TV volume doesn't work and blames the people upstairs(ME) f0r moving chairs and wakeing her up. This is odd since I am not moving chairs and I am a very quiet person. It seems like she can hear fine so it just seems that she doesn't have the ability to learn how to turn it down. Previously she said that turning the volume down doesn't work...but it did...quite easily it seems. I left a note on her door this morning. She didn't seem to care about the previous ones I left though. I have gone as far as complaining to the management, but that was when the apartments were under previous management and they didn't do anything about it because they think she is a sweet old lady who trys to talk to everyone who walks by. Every times she has talked to me she has just been complaining about something. Usually about either noise, young people, or "THOSE DAM REPUBLICANS." I am always in a rush somewhere so I have never really talked to her though. Guess it is time to sleepwalk through the day since I have so much I have to do. RRRRRRRRRRRR. Maybe I will try to get fired today. It would just cost me 2 days of work.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

A Week in Review. One week left till unemployment

One week till I am unemployed and no longer have that student title excuse to fall back on. This last week at work was mostly spent conducting interviews with Brandon whom I am training as my hiring replacement. We only did about 20 something interviews this time which is far less than we should have. There haven't been many people applying lately so it is making the job of hiring that much more challenging. Not that I have to worry about that anymore. Sadly I have probably interviewed my last person unless I some day find myself in a management position again. Now I shall become the interviewee which I am a lot worse at. On Tuesday Brandon and I have to make final decisions on who to hire, make work accounts for those new people and give them all their hours to fill open shifts. We then get the joy of updating the database for everyone, contact every interviewee to let them know the results, and I get to start getting everything ready for the training which will be my last duty in the computer labs. I have already sent out the completed training PowerPoint I made to everyone who will be involved...but of course everyone is being flaky and I would be surprised if anyone has even looked at it yet.
Yesterday work had Andrew and my going away lunch to say goodbye and wish us luck. Sadly it all just seemed kind of awkward in a way. The lab manger was sick and didn't go, and a number of the other supervisors skipped it as well. The only none student there was Gary who is currently in charge of and working in the machine room. No one even said anything to or about us past Gary's one on one questions about what we plan to do. It just seemed more like people just going to lunch without really having any meaning behind it. I put so much time in working here and it is difficult to realize that it is just going to end like this. Everyone just moves on and no one really seems to care. I have done the same thing to others who have come and gone, but it feels different when it is happening to me. It is sad when you realize how little of an impact you have had on some people. I hope I have at least made some kind of a positive impact while working there.
On a very different note, the Sacto Kings seemed very unfamiliar to me tonight. There were a lot of players who have been playing lately that I haven't really seen much of. The recent trade was a surprise along with all the recent injuries. Well not really...they always seem to be injured. Sadly I don't have any more tickets to games this season.
I applied for a job in the bay area this past week. I was very surprised at the reaction from my parents at the thought of me moving there. I figured they wouldn't be too into that idea but they seemed to be very supportive. A bit too supportive. Seems suspicious to me. I wonder what they are up to. It could be an interesting move though. A chance to start over without going too far. I would be very near my oldest sister and a lot closer to my other sister as well, which could be nice since I don't see them much. I should be putting a lot more effort into my job search, but I guess the thought of all of this is a bit scary and I don't really feel ready. Maybe if I moved out of my parents house earlier or lived alone for a longer period of time I would feel more comfortable with my approaching future. It is hard knowing what to do considering the people and relationships I have developed over the last few years. I don't know if it is best to try to stay around Sac or get as far away as possible in an attempt to learn more about myself. Maybe a really drastic change is what is called for right now. I often feel the need to just start over somewhere else and this might be my first true chance to do that.
I probably shouldn't be typing all this while watching TV considering I am not paying too much attention to what I type. It is probably not very interesting and doesn't make much sense. Sorry to anyone who has read this, but TV is just too interesting to look away. Maybe it is just my way to get some of my true thoughts out by not really thinking about it. Or not. My next update should be more interesting and not just me typing about nothing forever...Hopefully.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

What 'suits' me

Yesterday I went out with my mom to buy an interview suit and some nice work or special occasion outfits. I have a very difficult time trusting other peoples opinions...especially when they are trying to sell me something. On top of that I don't like being rushed into making decisions on things. All of this made for an interesting day. I just say a bit about what I am looking for and people say "Try this on." I put something on and am quickly asked "What do you think?" I look at it for a few seconds while trying to wrap my mind around what I really think of something and my silence is quickly perceived as me not liking something followed by people going off to find something else. In the end I express my opinion briefly and am rushed into making a decision. I partly allowed myself to be rushed into getting stuff because it wasn't my money being spent since my parents volunteered to get me everything. If my money was at stake here I would have probably spent forever in that store and walked out with nothing figuring I would look in a few more places before making a decision. I would have also probably priced things ahead of time. It is kind of sad having my parents still buying me my wardrobe at my age, but it is something I need and wouldn't be willing to do much with otherwise so I figure it is a good thing they offered. The suit I got will not be ready for almost two weeks, so if I get an interview any time soon I will have to do a little improv with my outfit. I guess I need to apply to some more practical things before that will happen though. Soon I think I may look into shaving and getting a haircut. I guess the time for change is now and I just have to stop procrastinating and go through with things. I guess I will have to just pick a path and take it, hoping if it is the wrong path I can turn back or find a way elsewhere. Maybe I will spend my day trying to get Abby to tell me what to do.

An intro to Abby

Every time I sit at my computer it will not take long before a giant cat is sitting on me. I am a small guy and this is a big cat so she doesn't really fit all that well. Her name is Abby.(left) The one on the right is Max. He is my parents cat. He has been through a lot and is a great cat. Abby on the other hand...well...she's Abby. She's in charge around here and doesn't let me forget it.

Friday, January 07, 2005

15 days of work left and counting

I have come to realize that I only have two weeks left before I have the joy of becoming unemployed. This weekend I will probably be going shopping for an interview suit and new more appropriate wardrobe. I am not really looking forward to it, but it seems like something that has to be done. I am kind of looking forward to a "24" party for the two hour premere this Sunday though, so its not all bad.

Next week at work I get the joy of doing interviews to hire new lab assistants with someone I am training to replace me at work. It is nice to do interviews with someone else because we get to split up the talking over the course of multiple hours. It's also fun to have someone to talk about the people we interview over the course of the day. Last time I did interviews with him one of the people just walked out at the beggining of the interview and I think one of the people could barely speak English, so I think he is some what prepared for what things will be like. In two weeks we get to figuring out who to hire and contact everyone. The 22nd will be my last day. This also happens to be the training of the new LAs that will be hired. It should be interesting because I will be going out seeing how the PowerPoint training I spent a lot of time creating works out. I took most of my humorous little thinks I had in the presentation out today which was kind of sad.

Well, Abby (my cat) is clawing my leg while she is asleep in my lap so with the combination of that and the fact that my legs are asleep because of her weight I think I am going to stop typing and get up.


Saturday, January 01, 2005

My 300 Game

This is now my test for posting images for free...oh joy. Figured I would post my 300 game that I bowled since it was the first image that caught my eye. This was bowled on December 22, 2003. This two player mixed team game and series earned national recognition for the third game and the series being second place in the nation for the 2003 - 2004 season. Basically I have a national award for this on top of getting my first 300 ring. This was also the top two person team game and series for the season in the Sacramento Region. I figure if I had a blog at that time I would have posted this so here you go.

To Do List

Here are some things I need to do soon

  • Figure out my life
  • Get organized
  • Get my resume completed
  • Figure out where I want to try to get a job and start applying
  • Get a new professional wardrobe and look (I currently still have my end of college look: a homeless guy who hasn't shaved or gotten a hair cut in months)
  • Win the Super Bowl
  • Get into a better sleeping pattern
  • Think of better things to have in my to do list

A.J.'s First Post...Attempt 2

Technology doesn't like me and does everything it can to not work properly when I am using it...Thus the attempt 2.
I guess with so much stuff going on and so much work to do I decided to avoid it all and start a blog. It is a new year and my life right now is just one giant "?" so I figured this might be a good way to organize my thoughts and plans a bit during this complicated point of life.
Why is everything so complicated you ask. Well I just graduated from CSUS with a BS in Computer Engineering. I ended up majoring in CpE because...Well, I haven't figured out what I want to do at all and couldn't think of anything better to do. Not the best reasoning in the world but when I started college I figured it would be a chance for me to figure things out and I ended up not having time to do that. I have been working on campus in the computer labs for the last few years, but now that is about to come to an end since I will no longer be a student. I will basically lose my title of student officially and become unemployed within the next month. Like life tends to sometimes do, everything is changing and with this opportunity for positive change I am still confused and not at all sure what I should do.
So what do I do now? Play with my blog while watching TV.