Thursday, January 20, 2005


Blah, Don't really have time to write anything even though I have come up with a lot of things to write. Just don't have time yet. Even right now I am currently at work and just breaking the rules and doing this to say: Once again I have gotten no sleep because the old woman who lives under me had her TV on all night and has it on really loud....enough so that I can tell what every commercial is and what many of the people are saying while I am laying in bed. No use going down and banging on the door because she often doesn't hear it, and when she does she says the TV volume doesn't work and blames the people upstairs(ME) f0r moving chairs and wakeing her up. This is odd since I am not moving chairs and I am a very quiet person. It seems like she can hear fine so it just seems that she doesn't have the ability to learn how to turn it down. Previously she said that turning the volume down doesn't work...but it did...quite easily it seems. I left a note on her door this morning. She didn't seem to care about the previous ones I left though. I have gone as far as complaining to the management, but that was when the apartments were under previous management and they didn't do anything about it because they think she is a sweet old lady who trys to talk to everyone who walks by. Every times she has talked to me she has just been complaining about something. Usually about either noise, young people, or "THOSE DAM REPUBLICANS." I am always in a rush somewhere so I have never really talked to her though. Guess it is time to sleepwalk through the day since I have so much I have to do. RRRRRRRRRRRR. Maybe I will try to get fired today. It would just cost me 2 days of work.


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