A Week in Review. One week left till unemployment
One week till I am unemployed and no longer have that student title excuse to fall back on. This last week at work was mostly spent conducting interviews with Brandon whom I am training as my hiring replacement. We only did about 20 something interviews this time which is far less than we should have. There haven't been many people applying lately so it is making the job of hiring that much more challenging. Not that I have to worry about that anymore. Sadly I have probably interviewed my last person unless I some day find myself in a management position again. Now I shall become the interviewee which I am a lot worse at. On Tuesday Brandon and I have to make final decisions on who to hire, make work accounts for those new people and give them all their hours to fill open shifts. We then get the joy of updating the database for everyone, contact every interviewee to let them know the results, and I get to start getting everything ready for the training which will be my last duty in the computer labs. I have already sent out the completed training PowerPoint I made to everyone who will be involved...but of course everyone is being flaky and I would be surprised if anyone has even looked at it yet.
Yesterday work had Andrew and my going away lunch to say goodbye and wish us luck. Sadly it all just seemed kind of awkward in a way. The lab manger was sick and didn't go, and a number of the other supervisors skipped it as well. The only none student there was Gary who is currently in charge of and working in the machine room. No one even said anything to or about us past Gary's one on one questions about what we plan to do. It just seemed more like people just going to lunch without really having any meaning behind it. I put so much time in working here and it is difficult to realize that it is just going to end like this. Everyone just moves on and no one really seems to care. I have done the same thing to others who have come and gone, but it feels different when it is happening to me. It is sad when you realize how little of an impact you have had on some people. I hope I have at least made some kind of a positive impact while working there.
On a very different note, the Sacto Kings seemed very unfamiliar to me tonight. There were a lot of players who have been playing lately that I haven't really seen much of. The recent trade was a surprise along with all the recent injuries. Well not really...they always seem to be injured. Sadly I don't have any more tickets to games this season.
I applied for a job in the bay area this past week. I was very surprised at the reaction from my parents at the thought of me moving there. I figured they wouldn't be too into that idea but they seemed to be very supportive. A bit too supportive. Seems suspicious to me. I wonder what they are up to. It could be an interesting move though. A chance to start over without going too far. I would be very near my oldest sister and a lot closer to my other sister as well, which could be nice since I don't see them much. I should be putting a lot more effort into my job search, but I guess the thought of all of this is a bit scary and I don't really feel ready. Maybe if I moved out of my parents house earlier or lived alone for a longer period of time I would feel more comfortable with my approaching future. It is hard knowing what to do considering the people and relationships I have developed over the last few years. I don't know if it is best to try to stay around Sac or get as far away as possible in an attempt to learn more about myself. Maybe a really drastic change is what is called for right now. I often feel the need to just start over somewhere else and this might be my first true chance to do that.
I probably shouldn't be typing all this while watching TV considering I am not paying too much attention to what I type. It is probably not very interesting and doesn't make much sense. Sorry to anyone who has read this, but TV is just too interesting to look away. Maybe it is just my way to get some of my true thoughts out by not really thinking about it. Or not. My next update should be more interesting and not just me typing about nothing forever...Hopefully.
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