Saturday, January 01, 2005

A.J.'s First Post...Attempt 2

Technology doesn't like me and does everything it can to not work properly when I am using it...Thus the attempt 2.
I guess with so much stuff going on and so much work to do I decided to avoid it all and start a blog. It is a new year and my life right now is just one giant "?" so I figured this might be a good way to organize my thoughts and plans a bit during this complicated point of life.
Why is everything so complicated you ask. Well I just graduated from CSUS with a BS in Computer Engineering. I ended up majoring in CpE because...Well, I haven't figured out what I want to do at all and couldn't think of anything better to do. Not the best reasoning in the world but when I started college I figured it would be a chance for me to figure things out and I ended up not having time to do that. I have been working on campus in the computer labs for the last few years, but now that is about to come to an end since I will no longer be a student. I will basically lose my title of student officially and become unemployed within the next month. Like life tends to sometimes do, everything is changing and with this opportunity for positive change I am still confused and not at all sure what I should do.
So what do I do now? Play with my blog while watching TV.


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