On Monday nights I have a bowling league. It starts 9PM and has 3 games for singles and 3 games for doubles. It's devided into two devisions and has a lot of good bowlers. This is the league that I bowled my 300 in the first night over a year ago.
Last night I was struggling during singles because my finger holes were too loose and I couldn't hold the ball correctly. When things like this happens I keep trying different things to try to figure out a way to fix whats going on and bowl better, but usually I keep somewhat struggling. Well, last night I figured out an odd way to throw a good ball by cramming my fingers further in the ball and keeping my thumb loose. In doubles I ended up bowling a 700 series: 235, 220, 245.
I don't think I have bowled a 700 series since my 734 when I bowled my 300 game. I could only find four other times that I have bowled over 700. That is a total of 6 700's, two of which were in the 730's and one 725.
Guess I just figured I could now keep track of bowling here so...
700 count = at least 6
300's =1 next highest game was a 289 and I have had a number of games in the 270's including a 279. Doesn't seem too bad for a once a week bowler.
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