Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sick, Broken, Down

Well, I haven't posted anything in quite a while. There have been a ton of things I could have written about. Even should have written about. Just haven't brought myself to do it. So many distractions and other things I should be doing. That and the feeling that no one cares anyways. I could have at least posted a pic of me with short actually cut hair...but I am not motivated to at this time. Even when I am doing productive things I am feeling like I should be doing something else. Blah!
Well right now I am sick and missing part of my thumb. Bowling has sucked lately. Mostly because my hand has changed and the ball doesn't fit my hand at all. I should:
a.) Get the ball re-drilled.
b.) Get a new ball or two to work with and get them drilled
c.) Get other new equipment I.E. shoes, a bag, towel...
All this adds up quickly and it isn't smart to be spending with no income. All that and other reasons for delaying which I shall not discuss. Yesterday when bowling I was having a lot of difficulty both keeping my hand in the ball and then getting out of the ball. Eventually I threw one and a part of my thumb got torn off. It is like a very deep already popped blister. About 3mm deep. The layers just came right off in the ball. I stopped bowling at that point. Interesting note: The last ball I threw was actually a good strike for a double.
Right now I am sick. At least I hope I am sick...other wise it means I have managed to develop some serious allergies.
Well last night at about 2:20AM I went downstairs to the old woman's APT who lives bellow me to turn down her TV. She had been continually turning it louder and louder and watching it every night. I was sleep deprived enough that I needed at least part of an OK night sleep so I gave in and went down there. I knock on the door and ask "Do you need help turning your TV down. It is really really loud." She says OK and moves her walker out of my way so I could walk inside. This is when I notice she got a new TV since the last time I was there. Of course it is a bigger TV then I have ever had. This eliminates the having an old TV and not knowing how to turn the volume down on it excuse and I had made up for her. I also noticed that beyond the whole watching it at such a high volume that my APT shakes even though she seems to have great hearing, she was also basically watching static. It was the news but it was horrible reception. Maybe it was from aliens or something. I has been an interesting thing to try and figure out. Well, at least if you can get past the not being able to sleep and concentrate on anything because of it. It's also odd that she just lets random people who knock on her door in at 2AM when she is there alone. I don't trust people at all and could never do that.
On a final note: Yesterday I got my diploma. It actually proves it's over and I did everything I was suppose to, which is interesting considering I never really had a true guidance councilor to check what I was doing. I have actually really truly graduated from college. Questioning that can now end.


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