Saturday, June 18, 2005


Well, I don't know if this means I am a blogger traitor or what, but I got a livejournal account and now I am not sure if I should switch over to using that, or if I should continue using this. I got it just to see what it is like. I also got a myspace account which has a blog thing. If anyone really cares I would be interested to know what is better. Lately I have started posting stuff on the livejournal that I haven't posted elsewhere. There are a few things they have there that I like right now. If anyone cares to take a look all my things have the same name. If you care you should be able to find it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

My B-Day

Compared to how my birthdays often turn out, this years was quite good. It started as most do @12AM. At this time when it first became my birthday I was in San Fran watching a comedy show near china town. Parking sucked. I spent $4 to park in a parking garage just to find out that my car would be locked in there over night if I left it there. That would have made for a bad start of a B-day so I spent awhile driving around till I found a space. This frustration doesn’t count as part of my birthday however because it happened during the day before. Well it became 12 while comedian Zach Galifianakis (or however you spell it) was on stage. He has been on Comedy Central Presents, had his own show on VH1, has been in movies, plays fat Jesus in stuff, and is the odd morgue guy in the show True Calling which I don’t watch. We were sitting in the very front of a club that holds about 80 people. Most of his material I had already seen before, but it was still funny. The show ends and we walk to the car, look at the homeless guy sleeping on a box, watch a garbage truck wake him up, and then I drive home. I get there around 2AM so of course I watch some TV and check and see if anyone in computer world acknowledges my B-day with an email. Nothing. Then I eventually go to sleep.
I wake up and the world is still in existence around me. I take a shower, watch TV, look at the news paper, and pet a cat. All normal morning stuff. Eventually I call Andrew and ask if he wants to go with me to my parents for a late lunch of burgers and ice cream cake. He agrees so I go pick him up where I am pleasantly surprised with a gift. He gave me Scrubs first season on DVD which I was hoping for and in all honesty somewhat optimistically expecting. His car had been egged so we looked at that, and I found a little figure of a black cat next to it which now sits in my car. We then drove to my parent’s house while I attempted to figure out if there was any way the timing for the rest of the day would work out. We would get there around 3, I knew my dad was at a bowling thing so I figured something would come up and he would be late. We kind of scheduled around that and the fact that Andrew and I were suppose to be at a friends place by 6. One of my sisters was also suppose to be there, but I didn’t know when she would make it. We got there and started watching the Scrubs DVDs while my mom went to the store. My sister showed up about an hour later and then my dad about an hour after that. We were all somewhat involved in the killing of a rather large black widow on the grill in the backyard followed by the preparation of our food and eating. I got phone calls on my parents phone from my sister’s S/O and my other sister who was at work. I was happy to hear from both of them. I still find it odd that they called there and not my cell, but whatever. I then got gifts of a scary star wars PEZ dispenser and Raspberry Rum from my sister, and money towards bowling equipment which is sorely needed from my parents, along with nice cards from each. Andrew and I then, quite late but not too worried, left for our friend’s house to play poker. On the way there I stopped and got gas and a free car wash from the only place I have found around here that still does that. During the course of getting gas I walk over toward the road and picked up a yellow McD ball pit ball that was sitting in the road and now sits next to the black cat in the car. Though extremely late we successfully made it too poker night where we ate pizza and I had some birthday pie. I won the most money for the third time in a row which was nice, and when leaving I was allowed to borrow a video game. The 24 hours of my birthday was over. I drove Andrew home and drove back to my apartment where I watched some TV, played the video game for awhile, checked and saw that my email inbox was empty, and eventually called it a night.
With everything considered the day was beyond my very low expectations. Some people remembered, (some because they were told about it) people were civil to me, and in the end I have a few more things than I did the day before.
Some bad things happened later, but once again, that wasn’t on my birthday so it doesn’t count.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Uninspired Buffalo

I have been quite uninspired to write anything of value here. I come up with things, some funny and some serious, but I never end up writing or making any of it. I just realize the uselessness since all of only about four or five people I know actually look at this on some rare occasions, and I can just talk to them later instead. That is if they are willing to deal with listening to me for a minute. It just seems like it would make me sad to spend time doing something and no one cares or even sees it. I guess that is my copeout for not doing a lot of things. I guess the blog has served it's purpose of my own self discovery thing. I have realized a lot about myself when thinking about things to write... I just never write it because I am afraid that either no one will care or that someone will care. Either way can seem bad. I guess it is kind of depressing seeing the (0 comments) next everything. It is kind of funny considering instead writing stuff in this or working on other things I have started writing a little script thing...the irony is I never intend to let anyone read it for those same reasons. Either no one will care or possibly someone might care.

Well anywho, yesterday I was hunting buffalo with a slingshot and a bucket of peas. I wasn't using normal peas but instead those petite peas because they were on sale and it felt like a bargain since you get a lot more per pound. (That is just how I rationalized it, and if you feel I am wrong I welcome hearing other opinions on the matter and perhaps we can set up debate.) Now you may not think peas are the best of weapons but you should keep in mind that they were frozen peas, so depending on a number of factors they might quite possibly sting a little if they were traveling at a high enough velocity. Now with that explanation behind us, I was hunting these buffalo with my slingshot and peas while of course camouflaged as a telephone pole. This can be a very difficult task if you don't have very good balance. I don't know why I just typed that because of course you would have to be an idiot to not already know that. What a waste to just point out the obvious. It is like taking the time to say that flamingos are evil. Anyway, So I continue with the hunt when I realize there are no buffalo around at all. Sure the hunt can continue without them just like deer hunters hunting for deer when there isn't a deer to be seen. The trouble came when I realized I didn't actually have the telephone pole costume on which I had initially believe to be there. I also realized that I don't even have a slingshot, and my bucket of peas were starting to thaw out rather quickly. These realizations opened the floodgates that were holding back the problems with my situation. For one I realized I had never seen a buffalo in my kitchen so I don't know what led me to think that was a good place to hunt them. I also realize hunting in your underwear is never a good idea so I took them off right then and there. Well with not all said and basically nothing done my hunting trip was a complete disaster and I ended up putting the peas back in the freezer so they will be too cold to plot against me. This is what happens when every morning (actually afternoon for me and my current schedule) you are awoken by the apartment phone ringing which causes you to toss yourself out of bed and stumbling to the kitchen to answer the phone knowing that the last 200 times you did this it was a telemarketer, a recording, or a hang up and this time will be no different. This just leaves me standing in the kitchen still asleep and disoriented and for some reason holding peas. Just once I would like that apartment number phone call that wakes me up every day to be something real and important...actually never mind. That would definitely not be a good time to deal with an important phone call.

PS: I still owe Andrew $1 for making a second really long beyond half court shot in a row. Grumble. I do feel somewhat better though after really pissing him off by making 8 free throws in a row when he was about to win and rather quickly coming back to win in a game that we play which I made up which can take a long time because points cancel the other person points out if your loosing and sometimes it is just fun to write really long confusing run on sentences.

Maybe I should try some sleeping pills.