Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Knocked Down

I am down for the count. No way I can win this round, but if I can get myself up it's not over yet. Even though it may not be over I am stumbling and it's getting harder to stand. Am I not trying hard enough or did I have no hope of victory in the first place?

Once again I tried to post something else, but computers don't like me and it decided to find a way to make my last hour a waste. I don't have another hour, so this is all you get for now.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The End Of The World As I Know It: Grandma Edition

My grandma passed away today. She almost lasted a week longer than expected, but the whole concept that she is gone is still rather difficult to comprehend. Last time I saw here was a few years ago when my family visited during a vacation east. During that trip she gave my sisters jewelry and I guess felt bad that she was giving both of them stuff so she found this gold plated thing which she gave to me. It is this interesting 4" figure she bought on some vacation in South America or something. I looked through some boxes and found it when I heard the news. I guess that will be the item I will keep around to remember her. I tend to do that in situations like this. Now I have no living grandparents. Here funeral will be sometime this week in New Jersey. My mom is already there and has been for the past week, so I will be flying east Tuesday or Wednesday with some family. Perhaps this week will put life a bit more into perspective. I'm not really sure what to expect, but what would life be like going day to day knowing what's going to happen.

It's not like I have much going on right now. I have people that can take care of Abby, and don't really have much of anything I have to worry about missing. I haven't even managed to get contacted by anyone about jobs. After next week I plan on dedicating more time to the job search, and I will be considering more varied options. I am starting to wonder at what point I should just pick up an extra job to be making money while looking for a carrier position.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Is it wrong to spend time making a website for a product you wouldn't use? I don't eat sea food at all, yet I am attempting to put together a website for a sushi place.



I haven't swung a golf club in a long time. I want to at least go to the driving range and remember how frustrating the game really is. I have been keeping busy lately, and have been getting overly frustrated with watching the Kings. I have also taken up using versions of the word "frustrate" in at least 75% of the sentences I say. I figure that might frustrate people.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Hair and Ice Cream

The hair is gone. The Jesus/Terrorist era is over. I will be posting pics soon I guess. Of course, I got the one lady in the place I went that didn't speak English too well so I ended up just shrugging and saying OK when I didn't understand her. She didn't ask me much, she just had me point at a picture and ass I was trying to explain something she just started cutting away. After that swell experience I went shopping at Raley's and felt odd because everyone seemed to be going slow and was very mean to me. I was thinking for a sec that it may have been something with the hair and that the change made people treat me worse...then I realized it was during the time that everyone is in school or at work so the only people who were in the store were the elderly and the handicap. Lots of motorized carts in each isle.
Well, back to eating ice cream.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Stupid computer:Head Aches, Hard Times, and Hoops PART2

I just submitted a long post and it didn't work. Technology hates me and like not working for no reason which make my choice of career bath all the more ironic. So here is a short version of parts of the post.
Bowling sucks. I subbed tonight for my dad and the conditions sucked so I couldn't do much of anything. If I throw the ball outside of a certain point it just slides and doesn't come back, while if I throw it inside that point it grips the lane and flies past the pocket. Now I remember why I was some what grateful I stopped bowling in that league. It goes way too slow and the condition on the left side of the lanes sucks.
My family has been waiting for my grandmother to pass away but her heart doesn't seem ready to give up. She was expected to pass Monday or Tuesday from what the docs have said, and the funeral I guess was suppose to be this coming weekend. I haven't been to the east coast in years, and there is going to be family there I haven't seen in a long time if ever. Because of this I am even more encourage to get a hair cut than usual. I guess it is time to become less of an embarrassment to my parents based on my looks. I have been meaning to go get it done each day this past week but things keep coming up. Tomorrow I don't have anything major scheduled so I plan on forcing myself to get it over with.
On a different note: The question of the week.
Do the Sac Kings have a right to be complaining? The were completely snubbed and will have no reps for the All-Star game, and have been having even more issues with ref call than usual.
If calls could be challenged in the NBA would that slow the game down way too much? Any solutions to this issue?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Spreading Blog & A Simpson's Game

Lately I have realized there seems to be more about me in my friend Andrew's Blog than in my own. I guess seeing me start a blog inspired him to start one kind of like how I was some what inspired to make mine when a friend from my CPE classes started posting pictures using blogger. We all seem to be going through similar things right now. All three of us just graduated in the Fall in Computer majors and now all of us are unemployed and not quite sure what to do. We also all worked for UCCS on campus. Andrew and I have been friends since the first week of college when we met because we were the only students in Chem 1A that didn't have to take a test to get into the class the first day because we had already taken the test at orientation. This gave both of us an hour or two to kill in unfamiliar suroundings without much to do. Since then we started hanging out, taking a lot of the same classes, and I ended up applying to work for UCCS after he had been working there for a semester.
Yesterday Andrew and I went out to look around stores and "DREAM" about HD TVs and stuff. I ended up getting a Simpson's video game for PS2 since I had playing it a little at Adam's house previously and it seemed entertaining. Figured it seemed interesting and would provide me with adequate distraction from the world. I don't really consider myself much of a video game buff, but I guess others would considering my developed collection over time. Lately I have been playing The Sims 2 on my computer a little but most of my gaming experience is using systems. In my apartment from new to old school I have a GameCube, PS2, a PS1 still at my parents house, Dreamcast, N64, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, a Nintendo, and a Game Boy. All are still in working order and ready to be played.
Question of the day:
Do people actually read this stuff? If I am looking at peoples blogs I tend to skip the wordy ones and look for pictures unless it is someone I know well.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Bowling, Browsing, and Questioning It All

Well, bowling wasn't too eventful. In singles I averaged in the 190s only winning one game 215 to 213. In doubles I averaged in the low 200s with every game between 200 and 210. The last game was kind of sad. I actually had a nine strike game with two gutter balls. I started with the first 3 or 4 strikes which was followed by a gutter 8 count and a split in the next frame. I then had strikes up until the 10th frame where I got two strikes followed by a gutter on my last ball. It was quite odd. I will be subbing for a league I use to be in on Wednesday nights for the next few weeks. I should probably be looking into getting some new bowling equipment because what have now is quite warn down and my ball isn't fitting right so I might want it refitted. I guess I will just throw that on the list of all the other stuff I need to get done that I don't seem to ever get around to.
I have been spending a little time reading a book on Perl programming but I haven't gotten too into that yet. I picked up my second to last pay check yesterday. At some point I will be getting a final check for about $500 for working part of this past month and then I will start dipping into my savings for food and stuff. I guess it makes me glad I saved up money because it lessens the pressure on me to find a job as quickly as possible.

Question on my mind:
Most people have heard of the 7 Wonders of the World, but how many people actually know what they are past the pyramids? I guess it is understandable to only know about the one that still exists. How many do you know?